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Berlin Street Art


Photo Gallery Streetart Berlin Fall 2014

No idea what this technique is called, but it looks like an easy and fun way to leave a mark.

No idea what this technique is called, but it looks like an easy and fun way to leave a mark.

As our Street art Tour gets more and more recognition so does our collection of artwork. Since it is such an ephemeral artform, you find new stuff wherever you look. Even at places you frequently visit like RAW or Haus Schwarzenberg there’s always something to discover. Have fun with some of the stuff we “collected” over the last few weeks and stay tuned for the unearthing of a totally unexpected grafitti-heaven in the middle of nowhere.

By the way; if you’re not German you might want to think about our new english language tour : Alternative Berlin which features a lot of urban creativity.

This month’s gallery (19 photos) features mainly classical grafitti a lot of it shot at Mauerpark, some paste-ups from Friedrichshain, a little metal work and something I could only describe as ribbon-art.

One of RAW's new pieces

One of RAW’s new pieces

Spooky an very "meta" pasteups near RAW

Spooky and very “meta” paste-ups near RAW

Finally something tangible, steel scuplture in Dircksenstrasse between Hackescher Markt and Alex. Supposedly the artist is some russion guy - or it's the crazy chicken crew from Haus Schwarzenberg.

Finally something tangible, steel scuplture in Dircksenstrasse between Hackescher Markt and Alex. Supposedly the artist is some Russian guy – or it’s the crazy chicken crew from Haus Schwarzenberg.

This a technique that has been getting more and more popular over the last months, easy and fun and you can just get it off if you're caught. Although that means its completely besides the point of streetart for the oldschool guys. Found in Schöneberg near Monumentenbrücke

This a technique that has been getting more and more popular over the last months, easy and fun and you can just get it off if you’re caught. Although that means its completely besides the point of streetart for the oldschool guys. Found in Schöneberg near Monumentenbrücke

Not art per se, but this bike on a gallows left me a bit confused

Not art per se, but this bike on a gallows left me a bit confused

Angry Bird at RAW in Berlin-Friedrichshain.

Angry Bird at RAW in Berlin-Friedrichshain.

Mehringplatz: "You never know what's inside another" by Danish Artist Don John

Mehringplatz: “You never know what’s inside another” by Danish Artist Don John

Golden beauty at Mauerpark

Golden beauty at Mauerpark

Reality continues to ruin my life. A statement most of us will agree to.

Reality continues to ruin my life. A statement most of us will agree to.

A classic motive for grafitti: The Hulk, can't think about how many of these I have seen in Mauerpark over the years.

A classic motive for grafitti: The Hulk, can’t think about how many of these I have seen in Mauerpark over the years.

Beautiful comic girl, I can't for the love of me remeber in which manga I have seen before

Beautiful comic girl, I can’t for the love of me remeber in which manga I have seen before

Yeah, we're so f+#+#-+ing proud to be Berliners, that some people keep getting ahead of themselves: "No matter how much Berlin you are, I'm a Berliner"

Yeah, we’re so f+#+#-+ing proud to be Berliners, that some people keep getting ahead of themselves: “No matter how much Berlin you are, I’m a Berliner”

Happy Birthday from us well, whoever you may be.

Happy Birthday from us as well, whoever you may be.

No idea what that's supposed to mean, probably something to do with fighting to powers that be.

No idea what that’s supposed to mean, probably something to do with fighting to powers that be.

Well, I wouldn't too, if I were an 800-pound gorilla.

Well, I wouldn’t too, if I were an 800-poung gorilla.



Art or advertising: golden grafitti promoting the 2014 Fuck Parade - with a tank

Art or advertising: golden grafitti promoting the 2014 Fuck Parade – with a tank

Giant octopus who looks a little like his head was caved in, love the colours though.

Giant octopus who looks a little like his head was caved in, love the colours though.