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Cancellation rights and regulations

In as much as the person placing the order is also the purchaser, they have the right to cancel their contractual statement within one month upon receiving the product , in written form (e.g. e-mail, fax, letter), or by returning the product. It is not necessary to state a reason. The term begins on the day in which the information about the cancellation rules and regulations are received or the product, whichever comes first. The preservation of the cancelation term is ensured by the timely sending of the written statement or the product. Send the written statement to:

Berlin on Bike
Martin Wollenberg
Knaackstraße 97
10435 Berlin
Fax: +49 (0)30/503 67 819

In case of a legally effective cancelation, the mutually received benefits are to be returned and, where applicable, all received services are to be returned. If the purchaser is unable to return the goods or services either completely, partially or in a damaged condition, the purchaser is required to pay Berlin on Bike compensation. This is also particularly the case when the damaged is caused by the intended use of the goods or services. This does not apply if the damage is caused exclusively due to the inspection of the item, such as might be the case in a retail location. Additionally, the purchaser can avoid the obligation of payment of compensation in that the purchaser does not take ownership of the goods and services and does nothing that may impair their value. Transportable items are insured and are to be returned at Berlin on Bike’s risk. When returning goods from a delivery which amounts to a total of 40.00€, the purchaser must bear the cost of the return delivery if the goods delivered corresponds to the goods ordered. Otherwise the return delivery is free of charge. Non-transportable goods will be collected.